Daily Archives: November 7, 2013

Sick little man


I have been reminded these past couple weeks that I am still the mother of 2 preemies. Hudson got a tummy bug, not sure where from, but after 5 days, I took him to the dr to make sure it wasn’t bacterial, and to see if there was anything else I should be doing. The dr told me that most babies are getting rid of this bug in 3-4 days….It took Hudson 9 days!

Unfortunately, while we were at the dr, a little boy came in, coughing up a storm….the nurses immediately whisked him away, but the damage was done, and my poor little boy’s immune system was not where it should be….therefore, he now has a cold!

Last year at this time, I was worrying about oxygen levels, and making sure my boys were breathing okay…this year, I’m worrying about oxygen levels, and making sure my boy is breathing okay! Lol. Pray for him, seriously though…because he still is considered a preemie, he is at risk for RSV, which can be very serious, and this cold could easily turn into RSV for him.

One silver lining to Hudson getting sick: he wants to cuddle ALL the time! Daddy and I love cuddling with them, so we sure don’t mind, and he’s been so sweet still, during these past couple weeks!

Get better for your party little man!!!!! Exciting posts to come!!!!

